Term 2 2024Tough Gal!The 'Tough Guy, Tough Gal' challenge was a pretty fun day with all the girls. Me, Omapere and Faith did the run together. Leone and a group of the teachers also participated and we all finished the course. Our group of six supporters really helped keep us motivated. I would say the weather was perfect... |
Term 1 2024End of Year Celebration with ZontaWe are very privileged to have a long-standing relationship with the Zonta Club of Mana. Not only do they support a graduate with a scholarship every year, but there are other ad hoc supports throughout the year for our current students and their babies. One of the biggest events they organise is a celebratory lunch at the end of the year. The Zonta members fundraise and plan throughout the last half of the year in order to host the whole school with a wonderful lunch and generous gifts for the students and their children... |
Term 4 2023Prize Giving and Graduation 2023What a wonderful day of celebration we had on Tuesday, 5 December. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all those in our community who came to support us, not only on the day, but all throughout the year. The success of our students is due in no small part to the contributions of the volunteers, agencies, community groups, and sponsors that make-up the greater He Huarahi Tamariki whānau. |
Term 3 2023Tuawahine - Book LaunchWe are very pleased to announce that the latest edition of Tuawahine has now been published! We started our celebrations with an in-house book launch where, in addition to current students and staff, we invited past students who had contributed to the book and staff who taught during the period covered by the book. We also had representation from our host school, Wellington East Girls College. The event was reported in The Post and this led to an appearance on TVNZ Breakfast for our Kaiārahi Paula Hay and student Bree Kie Tonga. |
Term 2 2023Gone FishingHHT and Kids Count Outing to the Capital Trout Centre: On the 5th of May 2023, Kids Count and the school spent a day of excitement together. It was for trout fishing in Owhiro Bay. It was a cold morning with some rain, so all the mums dressed their kids up in their warmest clothes. It took a little while to get there and some of the kids struggled to stay seated but we all managed to arrive peacefully in the end. We were met by a volunteer who gave a very brief but informative rundown on how the day would go. Of course, the children just wanted to get straight to it. |
Term 1 2023Picture PerfectOn February 7th, a beautiful sunny day, myself and fellow classmates went on excursion to Heart for Art in Strathmore. A lot of people were very sceptical about going and didn't think it would be much fun. There were bound to be thoughts along those lines because many of us had not painted before. |
Term 4 2022Prize Giving and Graduation 2022On Wednesday, December 7th 2022 we celebrated our Prize Giving and Graduation. What was extra special this year, and yet in some ways also completely normal, is that you - our He Huarahi Tamariki whānau - were all here to celebrate alongside us. Some of us may have been wearing masks, a small number of us may have had to stay home (and the windows might all have been open!) but we were relatively untouched by COVID-19 restrictions this year - a welcome change from 2021 We celebrated last year too, but this year we were able to host you all as well and being able to give back is what makes it extra special... |
Term 3 2022Nau Mai Hoki Mai - Welcome Back!It has been almost 3 years since we have been able to host whānau here at school to talk about learning. This term we were able to once again invite whānau in to the school to connect with teaching staff about students and their education. |
Term 2 2022Road Trip: Ngā Manu Sanctuary via Transmission GullyIt's not every day a new highway is opened on your back door step, so when one opened on ours, we decided to take advantage of it with a road trip! |
Term 1 2022Whakawhanaungatanga DayThe year 2022 stared quite differently with the return of everyone back to school wearing masks inside. What didn't change though was our tradition of dedicating the first day to re-establishing relationships and getting to know any new students and staff. Jackie ran a number of sessions based on Rock & Water theory and this proved to be a lot of fun! Students got familiar with each other again and explored the conceptual strength in both rock-like and water-like behaviour. This is proving a great metaphor... |
Term 4 2021Prize Giving and Graduation 2021I think we can all say that Prize Giving was very different this year. We really missed having our whānau and community with us and were delighted that some of you could join us via zoom. However, the change that COVID-19 continues to bring and the adaptability it requires has left us in good stead to find alternative ways to celebrate... |
Term 3 2021Making Kawakawa BalmDuring the week of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori we went for a walk in the bush at the Wilf Mexted Scenic Reserve. We had Riki with us and he was teaching us about rongoā (traditional māori medicine). We were there to collect kawakawa leaves to make a healing balm... |
Term 2 2021Wahakura WorkshopAt the end of Term 1 we were very honoured to host a Wahakura workshop for our friends at Plunket. This workshop targeted Plunket staff and young hapū māmā (pregnant mothers), so a number of our students were able to attend as well. Wahakura are handwoven traditional Māori sleeping baskets for babies. The facilitator was an experienced weaver who supported participants to complete their wahakura and shared the tikanga regarding each step of the process... |
Term 1 2021Prize Giving and Graduation 2020What a year 2020 was! We don't think anyone could have predicted quite how it would unfold and the impact it would have on all of our lives and our relationships. Here at He Huarahi Tamariki it certainly made us value the time we could spend 'kanohi ki kanohi' (face to face) and the events we could attend. None more so that our own Prize Giving!... |
Term 3-4 2020Teen Parent Unit Regional Netball TournamentMake way for the HHT Netball team of 2020! This year we didn't have many training sessions as we were all in Lockdown. But as soon as we came back to school, there was the Netball team, down at the courts every Friday. We had all been waiting for this moment, to be back with the team and our coaches and to once again claim our title as this year's TPU Netball Winners. It was weird that we couldn't do some drills as we all had to social distance... |
Term 2 2020Prize Giving and Graduation 2019We finished a very challenging 2019 with a well-earned celebration in the form of Graduation and Prize Giving. It was not only a day of celebration, but one of reflection - an opportunity to look back and forward. A key focus in the speeches on the day was how important well-being and support is to achieving success of any sort. You can read about this in the speeches of our students and in the words of our Kaiārahi, Paula Hay (included in this newsletter)...
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Term 4 2019Re-opening of the Matai Street ComplexOn the morning of Tuesday 6 August, we were joined by many He Huarahi Tamariki (HHT) supporters and previous staff and students to celebrate our long awaited building re-opening. Finally, the renovations were finished and both the He Huarahi Tamariki and KidsCount staff had done an amazing job of unpacking and setting up. In the words of one of our students, Michael Valach, who spoke at the event, 'It feels good to be home'. |
Term 1 2019Temporary Location at Linden SchoolOur move just around the corner, into Rooms 9 and 10 at Linden School went smoothly. We are very thankful that Linden School has been able to accommodate us, along with KidsCount, while the HHT complex in Matai Street is re-clad, re-carpeted and re-painted inside and out. While the HHT space is much smaller than we are used to, KidsCount are enjoying the extra room they have at the .... Read More |
Term 4 2018Cultural and Tourism CampOn the 1st October, two lucky students went to Waiheke Island for a level 2 and 3 tourism camp. We were given the opportunity to attend after we received a scholarship presented by Brenda Joyce in memory of her husband, Aporo Joyce, our kaumatua. Students came from as far away as the far north to Christchurch in the south. We spent five days on the island staying at Piritahi Marae, a .... Read More |
Term 2 2018LeadHERshipHinehou Mason and Mary Turua participated in the SHIFT LeadHERship course at the Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua recently and were asked to open the day with a karakia. "I was selected for a LeadHERship course that ran for two days at the Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua, held by SHIFT, an organisation that encouraged young women to be active in their lives. During the LeadHERship .... Read More |
Term 1 2018Prize Giving 2017Prize Giving at HHT is always a festive affair. We were joined by family, friends and guest speaker, Chloe Swarbrick, MP, to celebrate student success. Sally Haughton, Principal of Wellington East Girls' College, presented student certificates which were evidence of a hard year's work. Our kapa haka group performed along with musical items. Graduate student, Leiana Lavakula, spoke about her .... Read More |
Term 4 2017Jacinda Ardern Visits HHTAn email to newly elected Labour Leader and MP for Mount Albert, Jacinda Ardern, with an invitation to visit, resulted in a trip to HHT. Student hosts Helena Wardle and Nakita Kopua, showed Jacinda, Kris Faafoi and Greg O'Connor around the school and the pre school, Kids Count. Students were then able to have a question and answer session with Jacinda. "She was so inspiring and was genuinely .... Read More |
Term 3 2017Farewell to Friends
Term 2 2017HHT Visits Porirua RSAAs part of our ANZAC commemorations, HHT students and staff visited the Porirua RSA where Aporo Joyce, Past President of the RSA, gave an introduction to the history, philosophy and culture of the organisation. Staff Sergeant Dee O'Connor, and Sergeant Angel Ngapera described their respective roles in logistics, the military police and recruiting. Both Angel and Ded have spent time serving .... Read More |
Term 3 2016Netball TournamentCongratulations to our Netball Team who came third at the Lower North Island TPU Netball Tournament. This was held in Palmerston North on the last week of Term 3. The team did extremely well and only lost 20-18 against champions Rotorua, who went on to win the tournament again this year. It was wonderful to see our team all working so well together and giving it their all. Okea .... Read More |
Term 2 2016Health and WellbeingWinter Warmth. Kindercare Karori donated beautiful woollen blankets to the school just in time for the onset of cold winter weather. Each student took home a single bed size blanket to help keep them warm. Stitched to the blanket was a label with the words "We may not have the opportunity to meet, we may not ever have the opportunity to ever exchange our life stories. But because you matter, we .... Read More |
Term 1 2016Prize Giving 2015This was celebrated with students, staff, former students, family and friends at He Huarahi Tamariki. Te Maamae Siale-Tou was our MC together with Esta Walker-Visala. Our guest speaker, Mercy Jumo from Save the Children, talked about making the most of opportunities and the importance of community. We were entertained by the HHT singing group lead by Jhan Lindsay. They performed .... Read More |